Thank you for visiting St Paul's website!
St Paul's Episcopal Church,in downtown Jeffersonville Indiana (across the Ohio River from Louisville KY) is a community of welcome, hospitality and acceptance. The people of St Paul’s Church, invite you to come gather with us, to rest in the Lord, to be sheltered under the inclusive branches of God’s love, and to live out the radical openness of God. We gather on Sunday morning at 10:15 AM for worship.
St. Paul’s, located at the corner of Walnut and East Market Streets in Jeffersonville IN, is an intergenerational congregation which values participation in worship. A coffee hour follows our service. We periodically have educational opportunities including book studies, examination of issues and topics relating our faith to our lives.
We extend God’s invitation to ALL-
Gay, lesbian, transgendered, bisexual, straight, male, female, senior, youth, liberal, conservative, married, single, partnered, bi/multi-racial, searching, in recovery, healing -
to more fully become the people God created and calls us to be. We prepare a place for everyone around God’s table, believing that in St. Paul’s faith community all are valued and included in God’s kingdom.
We see our purpose is to share God’s radical openness with others. We range in age from young children to 90+. Some of us were born into the Episcopal Church. Most among us have come to this faith community more recently. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, or the questions you may have, St Paul’s invites you and offers you welcome. If you are looking for a worshipping community, or are relocating to our area, we would love to have you get to know us and to consider joining with us as compnaions on life's journey.
But don't just take our word for it...
When you visit our church, you will find:
A community of wholeness, healing and hope
A variety of people who gladly welcome you as a guest or as a member
Preaching/teaching that is centered on scripture and applies it to life today
Music and liturgy that reaches the heart as well as the head
Companionship for you on your spiritual journey
Ministries to provide nurture for the spirit and tangible assistance to people in the community.
Our "red doors of welcome and sanctuary" are open to you
Ours is an open door to ALL -
especially for those who seek God
or a friendship with Jesus.
Worship Schedule
1st Sunday: Eucharist celebrated by Rev. Alan Wallace at 5:00 PM
2nd Sunday: lay-led Morning Prayer at 10:15 AM
3rd Sunday: Eucharist celebrated by Rev. Cory Michael Irwin at 10:15 AM
4th Sunday: lay-led Morning Prayer at 10:15 AM
Join us for this New Chapter in our 180+ year faith story!
Project Water Step
Everyone has a pair of old, worn-out, never-wear-again shoes. Project Waterstep is a program that recycles shoes and uses the money to fund clean water projects in developing countries.
The Water Step donation box is in the Parish Hall lobby.
Center for Lay Ministries
Collection of non-perishable food items for the Center for Lay Ministries: Place items in the red wagon in the Parish Hall lobby.
They will be taken to CLM at the end of each month.
The top 10 requested food items are:
Peanut Butter, Soup, Canned Fruit, Beans, Rice, Tuna, Cereal, Fruit Juice, Pasta, and Canned Vegetables.
Worship Schedule
1st Sunday: Eucharist celebrated by Rev. Alan Wallace at 5:00 PM
2nd Sunday: lay-led Morning Prayer at 10:15 AM
3rd Sunday: Eucharist celebrated by Rev. Cory Michael Irwin at 10:15 AM
4th Sunday: lay-led Morning Prayer at 10:15 AM
Join us for this New Chapter in our 180+ year faith story!
Project Water Step
Everyone has a pair of old, worn-out, never-wear-again shoes. Project Waterstep is a program that recycles shoes and uses the money to fund clean water projects in developing countries.
The Water Step donation box is in the Parish Hall lobby.
Center for Lay Ministries
Collection of non-perishable food items for the Center for Lay Ministries: Place items in the red wagon in the Parish Hall lobby.
They will be taken to CLM at the end of each month.
The top 10 requested food items are:
Peanut Butter, Soup, Canned Fruit, Beans, Rice, Tuna, Cereal, Fruit Juice, Pasta, and Canned Vegetables.
Office Hours
- Monday– 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM
- Tuesday– 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM
- Wednesday– 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM
- Thursday– 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM
- Holy Eucharist with hymns and homily; followed by coffee hour– 10:15 AM
- Primary Purpose Narcotics Anonymous Group– 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
- A A Garbage Dump Group– 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM