09 October 2023

St. Paul’s This Week

October 9, 2023




Oct. 9 â€‹6:00 pm NA meeting

Oct. 14    10:00 am AA meeting

Oct. 15     10:15 am Holy Eucharist: Rev. Mary Taflinger 

Oct. 15    11:30 am Luncheon for Rev. Mary Taflinger

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Ushers:  Debbie Tucker and Rob Dziatkowski

Lectors:  Luke Stifler and Sam Stifler

Intercessor:  Luke Stifler

Counters:  Debbie Tucker and Rob Dziatkowski





St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Jeffersonville, IN 47130 


October 8th , 2023  

The meeting of the Vestry was called to order at 11:30 AM by Ben Sapp, Senior Warden. Other members of the Vestry present were Charlene McAndrews, Dennis McAndrews , Luke Stifler , Sam Stifler and Larry Basham. 

Luke led the Vestry in prayer to start the meeting. 

The minutes from 9/17/23 were reviewed and approved. 

Ben shared the financial reports. A copy of the reports will be provided to the congregation.  The average monthly debt is around $2000.  There was discussion regarding how to generate income with ongoing focus on renting the basement as well as renting out the parish hall.  Current active plans: 

• The basement is now cleared of the leftover yard sale items. The wall in the basement has been repaired.  Dennis will contact Stephanie Wilson, realtor, to discuss rental options. 

• Outreach ideas were proposed. Dennis plans to create a flyer to be distributed on community bulletin boards. The flyers will be given to congregation members for distribution. 

The November ministry schedule was discussed. Larry Basham, congregation member, would like to do the Reflection on 11/5/23. Mike Ellis, member of the congregation, would like to offer the Reflection on 11/12/23. Ben plans to search for a priest for either 11/19/23 0r 11/26/23. 

St Paul’s currently has a maintenance agreement with Lamb Heating and Air. The cost would be $3469 for the upcoming year. Dennis received a quote from BJ Heating and Cooling for comparison. The quote from BJ was $2304 per year.  There was discussion regarding paying for the agreement monthly versus yearly due to our limited cash flow. Dennis will contact BJ Heating and Cooling to see if this is possible. Ben Will contact Lamb Heating and Air. 

Rev. Mary Taflinger will be present on October 15th to preside at our 10:15 AM service. A pitch in will follow. Tacos and desserts will be shared.

Charlene shared updates regarding the Christmas Bazaar which will be held on December 2nd, 2023.  Kate is creating a flyer to post on Facebook and to share with other community sources such as neighborhood groups.  

Charlene shared that Lisa Fisher, congregation member will be leading all who are interested in a “Sip and Paint” event on November 4th from 7 PM to 9 PM. Lisa will provide materials, participants are asked to bring a beverage of their choice to drink during the event. 

The next meeting will be after church service on November 19th, 2023.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlene McAndrews, Vestry Member

A Reminder from Charlene and Lisa:

Sip n Paint

The Date: 11/04/23

The Place: Parish Hall

The Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm


Want to enjoy an evening with friends? Dosomething creative and fun?

Make something beautiful...or not?? 

Join us for an evening of laughing and a little adventure. Bring your own

favorite beverage and possibly a friend. Lisa will provide the rest. 

There will be room for 15. Please let Lisa know if you plan to be there. 




That's it for this week!  Have a great week. Hope to see you on Sunday!

