St. Paul’s This Week
July 10, 2023
July 11​ 6:00 pm NA meeting
July 15 10:00 am AA meeting
July 16 10:15 am Holy Eucharist with Rev. Suzanne Barrow
Ushers: Debbie Tucker and Rob Dziatkowski
Lectors: Mike Ellis and Charlene McAndrews
Intercessor: Ben Sapp
Counters: Rob Dziatkowski and Ben Sapp
Technology: Larry Basham
Thanks to everyone who was here for maintenance day last Saturday.
Parish Hall looks amazing with the new paint!
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
July 9, 2023
The meeting of the Vestry was called to order at 11:45 AM by Ben Sapp, Senior Warden. Other members of the Vestry present were Charlene McAndrews, Dennis McAndrews and Larry Basham . Reverend Suzanne Burrow joined the meeting as well.
The meeting notes from the previous meeting were reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the notes as written.
Ben shared the financial reports via E mail. A copy of the reports will be provided to the congregation.
Ben shared the resignation letter from Reverend Suzanne. Her last day as supply priest will be 7/30/23. Rev Suzanne was present at the meeting to answer questions and concerns related to her decision to take a new appointment and her vision for the transition.
• Jennifer Phelps, Diocesan Transition minister will be preaching at St Paul’s on 7/23/23. She will be present after the service to answer questions
• Rev Kristen White will be presiding at the Sunday service on 8/6/23. Rev White is the acting Bishop at this time and will also be present to offer support and answer questions.
• Brendan Sullivan -Hale (The Canon to the Ordinary for Administration and Evangelism) will be visiting in the fall. No date is set as yet.
Rev Suzanne reminded the Vestry that Sunday services could be supplemented with visiting clergy (such as Lutheran Ministers) as well as lay reflections and prayer. The Vestry decided that refreshments will be provided on 7/23 as well as 8/6. A pitch in celebration will take place in honor of Rev Suzanne on 7/30/23. Charlene and Dennis agreed to be in charge of organizing the refreshments and pitch in. Rev Suzanne also reminded the Vestry that the duty of finding a supply priest falls to the Senior Warden. Ben is open to this duty.
Dennis reviewed the progress made at the most recent maintenance day 7/8/23. The outside windows of the Parish Hall will need ongoing repair due to rotting wood. The windows may need to be replaced in the future. Painting of the wall in the Parish Hall was completed. The basement offices were cleaned and organized. There was discussion about items from the basement that could be sold in a yard sale. The Vestry chose 8/26/23 from 8 AM to 2 PM for a yard sale. Parish members will be invited to bring items for the sale with all proceeds going to St Paul’s. There was discussion about an auction for the stained-glass windows and pews in the basement. This idea will be discussed with the congregation.
Charlene shared a brief summary of the final report from Sacred Space. Focus will continue on finding a renter for the basement offices. Charlene and Dennis presented information about the new online booking site for scared venues called Venuely. ( St Paul’s has an opportunity to join Venuely as part of the Sacred Space initiative. More info will be available in September.
Dennis shared concerns about displacing the AA meeting on Saturday mornings if we start renting the Parish Hall. The Vestry discussed if the AA group could meet in the Education Wing. Dennis will reach out to the AA group leader and ask if this is feasible.
The next meeting will be after church service on August 27th 2023
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene McAndrews , Vestry Member
Portable Washer and Dryer:
Works like new. Free. Regular household outlets. Hook up to kitchen sink. Can get adapter to faucet cheap at a hardware store. Text: Mark at 502-678-1381 or email Must pick up at 1501 East 8th Street Building #1 Apt #1. Eastlawn apartments. Jeffersonville IN 47130.
That's it for this week! Have a great week. Hope to see you on Sunday!
The Gabriel Staff