Advent is the Season of Joy!
‘Lo, this IS our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this IS the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.’
Isaiah 25:9
Come and See What’s Being Born!
Christmas at St. Paul’s
*Sunday, December 18 10:15 Holy Eucharist and celebration of the 4th Sunday of Advent with Rev. Suzanne. DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS AND COMPLETION OF THE GIFT BAGS FOR THE CHILDREN AT THE CLARK COUNTY YOUTH SHELTER (see below) FOLLOWING THE SERVICE!
*Saturday, December 24 Christmas Eve!
6:30 Carol Sing! Come sing the familiar songs of Christmas.
7:00 Family Christmas Eve Service with Rev. Suzanne. Cookies and Punch following.
*Sunday, December 25 Christmas Day! Holy Eucharist at 10:15 with Rev. Suzanne.
CALENDAR for this week:
Monday, December 12 6:30 NA in Ed. Wing
Wednesday, December 14 6:30 Bible Study in the Ed. Wing
Saturday, December 17 10:00 AA in Parish Hall
Sunday, December 18 10:15 Advent IV Holy Eucharist with
Rev. Suzanne.
COLLECT for Sunday, December 18 (4th Sunday of Advent)
Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
READINGS for Sunday, December 18: Isaiah 7:10-16; Psalm 80:1-7,16-18; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25.
HYMNS for Sunday, December 18
Opening H82 54 Savior of the Nations, Come
Offertory H82 66 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Closing H82 68 Rejoice! Rejoice, Believers
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Also, check YouTube for videos of past services:
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MANY THANKS for your continued faithful responses to the need for funds.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS 12 Noon to 4:30pm Monday – Thursday (other times by appointment)
If you have something you’d like to add to the next newsletter (including a brief update on what you and/or your family have been doing since last we met together), let us know
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Our Book of Common Prayer contains an Outline of the Faith (P.845-62) that forms a framework for the way Episcopalians look at God and God’s work in the World. Each week we will feature a couple of these questions and answers!
Q. Besides Baptism and the Holy Eucharist what other sacramental rites evolved in the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
A. Other sacramental rites include confirmation, ordination, holy matrimony, reconciliation of a penitent and unction.
Q. What is Reconciliation of a Penitent?
A. Reconciliation of a Penitent, or Penance, is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution.
Packing Christmas Bags for the Children at the Clark County Youth Shelter:
A sure sign of the Season at St. Paul’s! Thanks, Debbie!
From Phyllis. Worth repeating!