22 April 2024

Welcome to 

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church


The season of EASTER



St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

321 E. Market Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana

812 282-1108


email: stpaulsjeff@gmail.com


Welcome home! We are very pleased to have you with us.

Please silence your cell phone.

If you have questions about our service, or our life together, please ask a greeter.


Posture.  Standing, sitting, or kneeling is really a matter of personal preference; please use whatever posture is most meaningful to you.  


Communion.  The Holy Eucharist is Christ’s meal, an Open Table to which we all are invited. Please come down the main aisle to the altar rail; there you may stand or kneel.  If it is difficult for you to come forward to receive communion, please let an usher know where you will be sitting so that we can bring communion to you.  (Sitting at the end of the pew helps.)  


The worship service today will be led byMarylee James


We welcome all who are our guests today. If this is your first visit to St. Paul’s, please ask the usher for a visitor’s card and fill it out, and leave it in the offering plate. We will be happy to send you our weekly newsletter.


In our prayers

●​In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for:   
Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders.


●  For all in need of God’s healing presence remembering especially: Lois and Patricia, Juanita, Delani, David & Michele, Charlesand Mark.


● Continue to pray for our church, and our parish family.


Parish Staff

Marylee James - Sr. Warden

Charlene McAndrews – Jr. Warden

Ben Sapp - Treasurer

Dr. Mariane Fisher – Organist

Susan Martin - Secretary​​

Charles Kinnaird -Sexton​​


​In the Diocese​

The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop

www.indydio.org  317 926-5454


Contact St Paul’s

Office Phone: (812) 282-1108​​​

Website: www.stpaulsjeff.com

Office email:stpaulsjeff@gmail.com​         ​

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/stpaulsjeff

Office Hours:  Monday through Thursday11:00 to 4:30pm (Other times by appointment)


Participants for next Sunday, April 28:

Service Leader: The Reflection will be provided by Larry Basham

Ushers:  Debbie Tucker and Rob Dziatkowski

Lectors:  Luke Stifler and Sam Stifler

Intercessor:  Luke Stifler

Counters: Debbie Tucker and Mike Nelson



Scriptures for next Sunday, April 28:

Psalm 22: 24-30

​Acts 8: 26-40

​1 John 4: 7-21

​John 15: 1-8

This Week at St. Paul’s


April 22 6:00 pm NA meeting

April 27 10:00 am AA Meeting

April 28 10:15 am Morning Prayer





​  Weekly Schedule


Monday     6:00 pm    NA Meeting

Saturday 10:00 am   AA Meeting



Monthly Schedule


             Vestry Meeting






Project Water Step:

Everyone has a pair of old, worn-out never-wear-again shoes. Project Water Step is a program that recycles shoes and uses the money to fund clean water projects in developing countries. The Water Step donation box is in the Parish Hall lobby.

Music in our Church

We are a singing congregation!  We have two hymnals in the pews.  

• The Hymnal 1982 (H82) has a blue cover.  

• The Lift Every Voice and Sing (LEVAS) has a red & black cover.



Today’s Hymns


Opening Hymn  ​H82   304

Offertory Hymn     H82   708

Closing Hymn        H82   664




Participants in Today’s Service

Service Leader: Marylee James

Ushers:  Debbie Tucker and Mike Lankert (?)

Lectors: Arlene Basham and Charlene McAndrews

Intercessor: Luke Stifler

Counters: Debbie Tucker and Mike Nelson



If you would like to be a lector    please speak with Charlene McAndrews