Parish Newsletter for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
November 28, 2022
Church Office: 812-282-1108​​​​​ email:
Advent is the Season of Hope!
‘The Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.’
Joel 3:16
‘Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you!’
1 Peter 3:15
‘Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ.’
Titus 2:13
Come and See What’s Being Born!
CALENDAR for this week:
Monday, November 28 6:30 NA in Ed. Wing
Saturday, December 3 10:00 AA in Parish Hall
Sunday, December 4 10:15 Advent II Holy Eucharist and
Remembrance and Recognition
Of Sonny and Bill McCulloch with
Rev. Suzanne.
COLLECT for Sunday, December 4 (2ndSunday of Advent)
Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
READINGS for Sunday, December 4: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7,17-18; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12.
HYMNS for Sunday, November 27
Opening H82 56 O Come, O Come Emmanuel vs.4-6
Offertory Insert When the Saints Go Marching In
Closing H82 473 Lift High the Cross
1. St. Paul’s will be creating Christmas bags for the children at the Clark County Youth Shelter. Thanks to Debbie Tucker for coordinating this important parish ministry. Please see Debbie with questions. We will be collecting items for the bags over the next three weeks. We will be delivering the Christmas bags on Sunday, December 18th.
2. Our Bible Study group is doing a study of the Gospel According to
Mark. It’s a great way to meet the scriptural Jesus. Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 in the Ed Wing, and we are studying Chapter 11 of Mark. Please come!
3. Our UNCHOIR is for anyone who likes to praise God through singing. No experience necessary. See Mariane or Jim about our rehearsal and singing schedule!
Morning Prayer is an important aspect of Episcopal worship and invites us to discover God in our midst. Please consider being a Morning Prayer leader! See Marylee or Rev. Suzanne.
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We WELCOME you to worship! St. Paul’s is a WELCOMING Faith Community and Christ’s Table is open to ALL. Whether you are a first-time visitor or a long-time member you are a Blessing to us. You are invited to worship with us live on Sundays at 10:15. (Plan on joining us for coffee after the service!} You can also tune in on Facebook Live:
Also, check YouTube for videos of past services:
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LICENSED LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS,Dennis and Charlene McAndrews, remain ready and eager to bring communion to any who are unable to be present at _ services. Whether you regularly attend Sunday service but cannot get here for any reason on a given Sunday, or you are homebound and would like to have the Eucharist brought to you once, or on a regular basis, please contact Marylee at the church office: 812-282-1108, or
MANY THANKS for your continued faithful responses to the need for funds.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS 12 Noon to 4:30pm Monday – Thursday (other times by appointment).
If you have something you’d like to add to the next newsletter (including a brief update on what you and/or your family have been doing since last we met together), let us know
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Q & A from the BCP
Our Book of Common Prayer contains an Outline of the Faith (P.845-62) that forms a framework for the way Episcopalians look at God and God’s work in the World. Each week we will feature a couple of these questions and answers!
Q. Besides Baptism and the Holy Eucharist what other sacramental rites evolved in the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
A. Other sacramental rites include confirmation, ordination, holy matrimony, reconciliation of a penitent and unction.
Q. How do they differ from the two sacraments of the Gospel (Communion and Baptism)?
A. Although they are means of grace, they are not necessary for all persons in the same way that Baptism and Communion (the Holy Eucharist) are.
Q. What is Confirmation?
A. Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.
Q. What is required of those to be confirmed?
A. It is required of those to be confirmed that they have been baptized, are sufficiently instructed in the Christian Faith, are penitent for their sins, and are ready to affirm their confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Recognize this gorgeous 3-legged footstool, located close to the organ where the Advent Wreath is currently positioned? Dennis created this beautiful piece (recalling the Episcopal ‘3-legged footstool’ of Scripture, Tradition and Reason) for our long-time verger, parish historian and expert on all things Episcopal Sonny McCulloch in recognition of Sonny’s retirement from parish duties over a year ago.
Many of us recall with shock and sadness the Covid-related deaths of Sonny and dear brother Bill around this time last year.
This Sunday, December 4, Advent II, as part of our Holy Eucharist we will take time to Reflect and Give Thanks for Walker (Sonny) and William (Bill) McCulloch. Do you have a memory or a story? You’ll be welcome to share it!
In honor of Sonny and Bill (who knew where to get the best price for Peanut Butter in the metro area), bring a jar of Peanut Butter this coming Sunday. All contributions will go to the Center for Lay Ministries Food Pantry!
In honor of the great love and dedication Sonny and Bill gave to St. Paul’s, the Diocese and the Church, let us pray the Episcopal Prayer for the Church:
Gracious Father, we pray for thy holy Church. Fill it with all truth, in all truth with all peace. Where it is corrupt, purify it; where it is in error direct it; where in any thing it is amiss, reform it. Where it is right, strengthen it; where it is in want, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite it; for the sake of Jesus Christ thy Son our Savior. Amen. (P.816)
Picture of the Week: Louis lighting the candle on Advent 1.
“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the House of the Lord.’”