May 30, 2022
Parish Newsletter for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Church Office: 812-282-1108
A spirituality from the Body and Blood of Christ and a faith centered on Scripture, Tradition and Reason.
This is who we are!
Calendar Reminders:
May 30 6:00 pm NA Meeting, Ed. Wing
June 4 9:30 am AA Meeting, Parish Hall
June 5 10:15 am Pentecost Holy Eucharist with Rev. Suzanne Barrow. Also broadcast on Facebook Live:
June 8 6:30 pm Bible Study, Education Wing
July 2 7:30 pm Erin Hill, Harpist—Benefit Concert
Collect for the Sunday of Pentecost
Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Lessons for Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25- 35,37; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17 (25-27)
Hymns for Pentecost Sunday:
Opening H82 228 Holy Spirit, Font of Light vs. 1,3,5 Closing H82 533 How Wondrous and Great
Prayers of the People
Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit!
Please say a prayer for the Universal Church, its members and mission.
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Please say a prayer for the Nation and all in authority.
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Please say a prayer for the welfare of the World.
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Please say a prayer for the concerns of the local community.
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Please say a prayer for those who are suffering or in trouble.
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Please say a prayer for the departed.
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Please say a prayer for what’s on your heart and mind...
Lord, hear the prayers of thy people; and what we have asked faithfully, and strengthen us to do thy will. Amen.
1. ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS! Join us Sunday, June 5, for the celebration of PENTECOST, the Coming of the Holy Spirit and the Birthday of the Church! Wear Red!
2. PUT THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR! Singer and harpist Erin Hill is coming to St. Paul’s for a concert Saturday Evening, July 2nd. Many of us remember a totally enchanting evening in 2019 when Erin last appeared here. She is a totally unique and inventive musician who takes the harp into just about every music genre there is. STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER INFO!! You won’t want to miss this!
We WELCOME you to worship! St. Paul’s is a WELCOMING Faith Community and whether you are a first-time visitor or a long-time member you are a Blessing to us. You are invited to worship with us live on Sundays at 10:15. (Plan on joining us for coffee after the service!} You can also tune in on Facebook Live:
Also, check YouTube for videos of past services:
Don’t forget—the little red wagon is waiting to be filled with food donations for the Center for Lay Ministries! Please note that the wagon has been moved to the Parish Hall entrance, on your left as you enter.
LICENSED LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, Dennis and Charlene McAndrews, remain ready and eager to bring communion to any who are unable to be present at Sunday services. Whether you regularly attend Sunday service but cannot get here for any reason on a given Sunday, or you are homebound and would like to have the Eucharist brought to you once, or on a regular basis, please contact Marylee at the church office: 812-282-1108, or .
MANY THANKS for your continued faithful responses to the need for funds.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: MTWF 12 Noon to 4:30pm Th – no office hours. If you have something you’d like to add to the next newsletter (including a brief update on
what you and/or your family have been doing since last we met together), let us know at
Our UTO Box
When we put a dollar into our UTO Box we help support an old yet still effective ministry of the Episcopal Church, the United Thank Offering ministry. Through UTO, we are invited to ‘embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude.’ Through UTO we say thank you for the good things and sense God’s presence even in the bad. Through UTO our little parish supports mission projects all over the world! Deacon Jim relates that in a recent trip to our companion diocese in Brasilia he visited a new after-school program where the computer lab was funded by UTO. Who knows, it could have been our dollars in that classroom!
Consider this, 100% of our dollars go to the intended recipients!
Please continue to support UTO. Every time we celebrate a birthday or raise a concern or give thanks for something in our lives we contribute to the welfare of the world! Blessings!