Our Sunday Service begins at 10:15 AM
We begin a typical Sunday service by gathering as a community and by greeting one another and formoing ourselves into a worshipping community. In an opening hymn we offer praise to God. Following prayer we listen to three readings from the Bible. Usually one from the Old Testament, a second from a letter written to the early churches, a psalm and a reading from one of the four Gospels.
Next comes a Children's Chat with good and godly learning for our youngest members. Then a homily which interprets one or more of the readings appointed for the day. The Nicene Creed puts the emphasis of the homily in the context of the faith of the larger church. We offer prayers together—for the Church, the World, and those in need. We pray for the sick, thank God for all the good things in our lives, and finally, we pray for those who have died.
The congregation uses a corporate prayer to confess their sins to God. This corporate statement is followed by a pronouncement of absolution. The presider assures the congregation that God is always ready to forgive our sins. The congregation then greets one another with a sign of “peace.”
Bread and wine, our donations of money, (as well as food for the Center for Lay Ministries Food Program, items for St Paul's Outside the Walls) are offered, A prayer of Blessing is said over the bread and wine; the Lord's prayer is said by everyone and an invitation is made to come forward to receive communion at the Lord's table. There is always room and a welcome at the table of Lord.
A prayer of thanksgiving is said together. We are assured of God's continued blessing being with us and a closing hymn is sung. Just before the announcements we have the opportunity to share with the community birthdays,anniversaries, and other blessings (and to make a voluntary contribution to the United Thank Offering if we wish). We are then dismissed to be God's heart, and hands in the world - charged with being Good New to God's people.