Who are these Episcopalians?

     The Episcopal Church is one of the national churches that was formed from the Church of England (also called Anglican). The name Episcopal indicates we are a church that has bishops, yet we are distinctly American in our democratic form of governance.

            The Episcopal Church welcomes people with a wide variety of political, economic and social views. Among them have been: Bono, George Washington, George H. W. Bush, Emily Bronte, Charles Darwin, Duke Ellington, Gerald Ford, Jerry Garcia, Garrison Keillor, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.  Brothers and sisters in other Anglican Churches include C.S. Lewis, Queen Elizabeth (1 & 2), Desmond Tutu and of course King Henry 8th.

            With roots that go back to the early years of Christianity, and having inherited the gift of the reformation it is often said that the Episcopal Church is both catholic and reformed. Our faith is formed and understood through scripture, tradition and reason.

In Indiana:         

         Bishop Jackson Kemper , the first missionary bishop of the Episcopal Church established churches in the territory of Indiana beginning in 1835. From that beginning the Diocese of Indianapolis was eventually formed. This diocese is composed of the central and southern portions of the state. There are 42 congregations ranging from large congregations with full time staff to very small family sized congregations. (St Paul's is a pastoral sized congregation.) Our Bishop is the Rt.. Rev'd Catherine Waynick.

As a parish:

     We are a diverse collection of people form all walks of life, differing ages, and life experiences. But we share a common bond - being baptized into Christ. We find in the Episcopal Church the ability to be in community with others, many of whom differ from us, and those differences enrich the lives of all of us.

   St Paul's was founded in 1836, survived the 1937 Flood, and a fire in 1981. We sometimes call ourselves the James Taylor Church (we've seen fire and we've seen rain)  We are part of the Downtown Churches of Jeffersonville who work together on various activities and meet together for worship from time to time. 


We are known for our red doors - an ancient sign of sanctuary - which indicate our invitation and welcome.